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The summer is over
The summer has now well and truly passed, even though there have been a few excellent sunny days recently. Which means we are in that weird overlap period where autumn is trying to convince us that it isn’t that bad, before the horribleness starts, there has been some excellent days for street photography and some days where even with excellent light and weather I could find nothing, I doubt I am the first to experience this.
Of the most notable news, I bought a medium format camera (Mamiya C330) which is something I have wanted for some time. It works beautifully as long as I remember to do all the things(tm) a few rolls has been unexposed due to user error. This has left my Nikon F3 to collect dust for periods of time as the Mamiya is new and fun to play with, I must switch it up or carry both, because while the Mamiya is fantastic, focusing with it is anything but a speedy affair, so doing street photography with it requires a whole different approach, especially where moving subjects are concerned.
That is not to say that the F3 has not been used at all without success, as I think both the photo above and the one to the right illustrates. Both of which was from the same roll and these are only a few of the photos that I have taken this summer that I am well pleased with, there has of course been plenty mediocre and out right “never mind what I was attempting, what was I even thinking…” shots where immediatly after pressing the shutter I realised I pressed the shutter simply because it felt like I had not taken a shot in a while and needed to take a photo…