Jitters, pandemonium, panick!
There is none, which irks me for some reason… I am expecting a storm on the horizon but all I see is clear skies and sun, figuratively of course I do live in Norway after all.
I did a prepack to see how my packing list would work, and after managing to tetris most of my stuff into the backpack I realised that the buckles on the hip belt had been used as a chew toy by the family dog. It would be both easy and cheap to replace, but I used this as an excuse to bring out my big backpack…
(Can for reference, couldn’t find a banana at the time)
It is far more practical, with access panels/zippers that ensures I do not need to unpack everything just to get to stuff that is near the bottom, or in the middle. I also do not need to tetris everything to make sure it fits. This practicality comes at the cost of a backpack that weighs nearly 3kg empty (2.2kg, but we are going for dramatic here) and the added temptation to stuff more, well, stuff in it… since there is ample room.
The initial pack, a few items not pictured like toiletries, and some bits and bobs. It is of course the bits and bobs that while the seem inconsequential will at the end add up to a surprising amount of mass and weight.
The first test pack with the big backpack ended up with a total FSO weight (from skin out) of 21kg (~41lbs), up 5kg from my backpack on my last camino.
I am reconsidering a few items for sure, but another (larger part of me) tells me to do it for the sheer madness of it…
Stay tuned for updates and see what I end up doing. Place your bets now….
Travel wise, everything is booked so I am just wasting away the hours in an offhand way until probably the day before… when I will start questioning myself if I remembered everything and have plans in place for every eventuality…this will of course last until I get to the airport were I will then accept that I’m in it now and can’t change anything so I'll just have to deal with whatever pops up…
Buen Camino! See on the road people…